AMADA WELD TECH Offers Ready-to-Integrate Laser Welding Packages

AMADA WELD TECH, Inc., a manufacturer of welding, marking, cutting, sealing and bonding equipment and systems, announced the availability of a range of ready-to-integrate laser welding packages designed to simplify integration into a larger automation line. This new offering expands upon the current range of components and semi-automated work cells by bundling multiple components together.

Laser welding integrator packages, sometimes called sub-systems, include a combination of laser, beam delivery, machine vision, and process monitoring components bundled for quick adoption into an enclosure or onto a production line, so engineers can focus on other automation processes.
Included with the package are:

GUI software
Industrial Communication Command Set
Integration examples

These provide all the necessary mechanical, electrical, and communication information to easily integrate into a system. Also included is access to AMADA WELD TECH’s technical center where our dedicated team of engineers will provide world-class application and process development support, which assures that the equipment will perform the desired process once installed.
Advanced features like machine vision and process monitoring enhance manufacturing productivity by ensuring the correct positioning of the laser beam on the part and catching potential defects during the welding process.