MTU Maintenance is launching its redefined services portfolio MTUPlus Intelligent Solutions at the MRO Americas in Atlanta, Georgia this week. Their portfolio has been conceived to fulfill the needs of operators, who increasingly require tailor-made solutions across the life cycle of their engines to control and optimize cost, as well as those of asset owners and lessors, for whom residual value and cost of ownership is key, MTU says. The portfolio has been divided into four highly tailored solutions, PERFORMPlus, SAVEPlus, VALUEPlus, MOVEPlus, and a services cluster SERVICEPlus for single and ad-hoc requests.
“Customers rely on us for world-class engineering, intelligent creativity and dedicated support,” says Martin Friis-Petersen, senior vice president MRO Programs, MTU Maintenance. “It is our job to spot market trends and ensure our portfolio is meeting the customer requirements of tomorrow. As an independent service provider, our focus is going that extra mile for customers, and never giving up until the optimal solution has been found for them.”
MTU Maintenance says PERFORMPlus is designed for operators of newer current generation engines and focuses on generating more flight hours at lower cost with customized MRO, for instance through customized workscoping, alternative repairs, engine trend monitoring, spare engine support and on-site services to optimize on-wing times.
SAVEPlus is all about reduced cost with smart strategies for operators of mature engines. These are tailored to remaining flight periods and, where the invest is worth it, include customized workscoping, smart repairs and material salvation, or, wherever this is not the case, lease and exchange engines.
VALUEPlus is a solution for asset owners to maximize value with effective asset management at end-of-life. Exit strategies can range from generating additional income through green-time lease out to sale, exchange and trade all the way to maximizing the material value of the asset through teardown and material management.
Whereas MOVEPlus is targeted at lessors and asset owners and focuses on risk mitigation and generating more revenue through portable MRO across the lifecycle. It enables faster remarketability of assets through easy transfers and predictable costs. It also offers lessors the opportunity to be involved directly involved in maintenance decisions, in particular during transitions between lessees, managing and optimizing maintenance reserves and choosing the timing of shop visits.
In addition to these fully integrated service solutions, MTU Maintenance provides a series of individual services under SERVICEPlus that round out and strengthen the core MTUPlus products. These range from component repairs and on-site and near-wing services to complementary services such as technical asset management, LRU management, spare engine or parts, and engine trend monitoring. All of these services can be provided on an ad-hoc and singular basis, or combined as part of a customized solution, the company says.