West Star announced the promotion of Amber Kasting to human resource manager, Midwest region. Amber will be responsible for managing Alton, IL (ALN), and the Perryville, MO (PCD), satellite locations along with their Mobile Repair Teams (AOG/MRT).
Kasting has her bachelor’s degree in Psychology/Sociology with an emphasis in Organizational Development and has played an instrumental role with implementing the internal employee communication software, as well as championing the Apprentice Program nationwide and facilitating the first round of Leadership training for the management teams.
“Amber has applied her experience and skills by focusing on improving processes and brings refreshing new ideas to the department, which strengthens West Star’s continued commitment to service excellence,” said Katie Johnson, vice president, Human Resources.
“I am looking forward to providing ongoing support to our employees and listening to their feedback, ensuring a great work environment at West Star,” said Kasting.