ADLINK Technology is the first company to announce support for both C++ and Java in its Vortex Data Distribution Service (DDS) product. The company says their product is reliable, real-time data sharing for mission critical systems, and it has passed all the required tests for conformance certification to Edition 2.1.1 of the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Technical Standard.
“Marking a ground-breaking achievement, ADLINK is the first DDS vendor to attain FACE TSS conformance certification for its JAVA API,” said Judy Cerenzia, director of The Open Group FACE Consortium. ADLINK’s JAVA Application Programming Interfaces (API) TSS product is already being used by a major aerospace manufacturer.
The FACE approach is a government-, industry-, academia-developed open software standard and business strategy. Providing a supplier-independent, standardized environment, it enables commercial software components to be migrated rapidly across global avionic systems that conform to the FACE Standard.
ADLINK’s Vortex DDS plays a pivotal role in many mission-critical aerospace and defense systems globally, ranging from radar processors to simulation and next-generation, network-centric systems. The standards-based, open architecture software provides efficient, secure and interoperable real-time device, edge and cloud data sharing, ensuring that the right information is delivered to the right place, at the right time.
“We’re already actively engaged on a major aerospace and defense project that is a United States DoD Program of Record; this marks a significant milestone for ADLINK,” said Mike Roberts, solutions architect at ADLINK. “Because of the maturity of our soda software and experience in the aerospace and defense sector, we were able to exactly match the Vortex DDS JAVA and C++ TSS to the FACE APIs that are included in the FACE Technical Standard Edition 2.1.1, which helps to minimize risk associated with integration.”