Archein Aerospace has received its 145 Repair Station Certificate for avionics maintenance and installations (M&I). With a focus on HUD/EVS, ADS-B and FANS, Archein says it is positioning itself as a first of its kind center of excellence for these technologies with a stated advantage of faster return-to-service via its Hyper-Maintenance, engineered, production-based process.
Michael Kaufhold, president & CEO, points to the realities of the increasingly crowded airspace, regulatory requirements and similar mandates as the genesis for the company. “Archein and industry see the shift from ‘first come, first served to best equipped, first served.’ These technologies increase safety and operational efficiencies and benefit everyone; pilots, air traffic controllers, operations management, CFOs and CEOs while maintaining a focus on safety and the confidence of the flying public.”
Kaufhold readily acknowledges the real pain point in avionics is the January ’20 deadline for ADS-B but places equal or greater importance on HUD/EVS. “The 2016 changes in FAA regulations for reduced minima approaches through lower ceilings and bad weather conditions with unnatural, enhanced vision technologies installed is the underlying impetus for Archein,” Kaufhold added. “You can’t ignore the safety and bottom-line value and efficiencies of this to owner/operators operating globally and, in particular, in the NextGen arena.”
Kaufhold explains that Archein Aerospace is the first-and-only specialized avionics modification and installation center with a focus on after-market advanced avionics upgrades in air transport category aircraft. “Our singular focus and engineered process efficiencies meet customers’ expectations for guaranteed quality, cost and schedule performance,” Kaufhold explained. “This is where our unique Hyper-Maintenance approach comes into play; a focused, consistent, affordable and reliable resource for advanced avionics M&I.”
Archein currently operates out of 40,000 square feet located at Ft. Worth’s Alliance Airport and is co-located with Robinson Aerospace, providing MRO and VIP and VVIP interiors.
In addition to Robinson, the company maintains strategic alliances, what Kaufhold refers to as Federation members, for a comprehensive service offering. “AeroNautique provides the pre-installation aircraft engineering analysis so that there aren’t any surprises once we undertake the avionics M&I. Bob Moreau of Experimental Flight Sciences, provides the post-installation flight testing and calibration for aircraft return to service,” Kaufhold detailed. “Add an experienced team of aviation industry professionals in quality and process plus a top-flight team of technicians and it all fits together for truly superb end-to-end, after-market avionics service.”