MTU Maintenance, global market leader in customized solutions for aero engines and the Nayak Group, line and base maintenance specialists, have entered into a collaboration agreement to offer a broader variety of services to each of their respective customer groups. From now onwards, MTU Maintenance is able offer its wide range of on-site engine services in combination with aircraft line and base maintenance services, a new addition and to be performed by the Nayak group, to all its customers. In turn, the Nayak group will also be offering more extensive engine services, via MTU Maintenance, to its aircraft customers.
“This agreement is the next step in MTU’s commitment to our customers to increase our services and network and become the number one on-site engine service provider in Europe,” says Martin Friis-Petersen, SVP MRO Programs, MTU Aero Engines. “We are excited to be partnering with such an experienced maintenance provider to improve the speed at which we can support customers with comprehensive solutions that minimize downtime and keep airlines flying.”
“The Nayak Group is a fast and reliable MRO provider specialized for airline customers worldwide,” adds Jörg Sauerland, Managing Director of Nayak Germany. “We are delighted to be collaborating with MTU Maintenance, expanding our existing engine services such as performance washes, changes and borescopes to include the breadth and depth of the MTU portfolio and expertise. With our complementary service portfolio, we can provide our customers a wide range of solutions.” With its decentralized network of 50 facilities in 16 countries, the Nayak Group performs line and base maintenance services worldwide and services more than 75 aircraft and engine combinations.