STS Aviation Services’ (STS) says their STS AOG Recovery; a fleet of mobile, rapid-response teams made up of highly experienced Engineers. STS AOG Recovery teams have, in the past year alone, returned more than 50 AOG aircraft to revenue-generating service in double-quick time.
As part of the company’s certified, nose-to-tail aircraft maintenance support service, STS Aviation Services has on-wing repair and fuel tank defect teams ready to cover Europe and be deployed on a moment’s notice.
“Rapid reaction is nothing new to our team, and our AOG Recovery expertise is evident,” says Patrick Meyer, SVP of STS Aviation Services in Shannon Ireland. “Our company has a proud history of supporting leading commercial, cargo and military operators while ensuring fleet availability around the clock. STS AOG provides a full repair and certification solution, allowing customers and operators to focus on other issues while we focus on getting their aircraft back in to service.”
STS AOG Recovery teams deploy specially allocated vans kitted out with fall arrest equipment, compressors, and a wide variety of test equipment. In addition, STS says each support van is stocked with a full range of specialist tools that allow their engineering teams to be self-sufficient, attending to its customers’ needs when working AOG or helping with base maintenance critical path events.
“Our experienced AOG engineers are rostered around the clock providing a speedy recovery solution to AOG situations all across Europe,” states Lee Burgess, director of Operations for STS Aviation Services. “As the global aviation industry continues to recover from the pandemic, our team remains on its ‘front foot’ and will be proactively contacting airlines to ensure that we remain front and centre when it comes to getting their aircraft back into revenue-generating service.”
With specialist AOG Recovery teams standing by globally, STS Aviation Services is ready to assist with scheduled and unscheduled aircraft maintenance events.