Atlanta Icelandic signed a deal with AFI KLM E&M for thrust reverser repair and the carrier will also benefit from engineering support and training. AFI KLM E&M has been maintaining CF6-80C2 thrust reversers for its customer and parent airlines for many years ensuring extensive expertise on the product. Its aero structures staff will carry out checks on the thrust reversers before drawing up a removal program for off-wing repairs. “The references and know-how of AFI KLM E&M, combined with the excellence of its facilities and services, were reassuring quality guarantees for us,” says Ellert Eggertsson, vice president maintenance at Air Atlanta Icelandic. The extent of the AFI KLM E&M network, which includes a Middle East presence via its Dubai-based AMES, a joint venture set up by AFI KLM E&M and Aircelle Safran Group, affirmed the customer’s decision.