Apple International will soon be taking delivery of a newly refurbished Piper Cheyenne 1. This corporate aircraft will be the first to be offered on their new fractional aircraft ownership programmme.
The Piper Cheyenne 1 is a twin engine turbo-prop, pressurised, seven-seat airplane. The aircraft will be hangared and operated from a local airfield near Norwich, UK. An example flight between Norwich & Paris will take less than one hour.
The programme will initially be open to only five fractionaires (a fractional aircraft owner). Although plans are in place to increase the fleet with a Bell 206B JetRanger Helicopter and a King Air 200 to allow more fractionaires to join the programme.
“Fractional shared aircraft ownership is a great way to own an aircraft.” says Apple International “In today’s current economic climate it does not make financial sense to own an aircraft outright. With fractional ownership all the costs are shared with the other fractionaires, but with all the same advantages of aircraft ownership. Advantages of aircraft ownership include fast &luxurious travel, quick and easy boarding with VIP immigration & customs entry, most places in Europe are within easy and close reach of a local aircraft.“
To celebrate the start of the programme Apple International are offering the opportunity to companies & individuals who are interested in the programme to enter a draw to attend a special promotional event at the Norwich Vs. Swansea Match on 6th April 2013. The event includes exclusive seats in the Executive Box, Lunch and the opportunity to meet the players.
For further information or to enter the draw please visit