TWC Aviation Announces Guaranteed Charter Revenue Solutions for Aircraft Owners

TWC Aviation announced two guaranteed charter revenue solutions for aircraft owners who wish to reduce their operating costs while their aircraft is idle. The TWC RevenueFlex and TWC RevenueMax guaranteed charter revenue programs are tailored to meet specific goals and provide consistent, predictable revenue every month.

TWC RevenueFlex
If a client’s aircraft is underutilized, TWC Aviation will make up the difference between the hours the owner flies each year and the maximum hours they have set for their plane. There is no need for them to give up control of their aircraft by blocking dates in advance. TWC guarantees to generate the charter revenue around the owner’s schedule.

TWC RevenueMax
At the beginning of each month, a client commits to a certain number of days to make their aircraft available for charter. TWC then generates guaranteed charter revenue on the dates the owner has selected. The rest of their schedule is open to fly whenever they wish.

“Our Guaranteed Charter Revenue Solutions enable aircraft owners to lock in a fixed rate of return, while not losing access or giving up control of their aircraft,” said Andrew Richmond, CEO of TWC Aviation. “The ability to offer these guarantees is a reflection of the growth in our charter business, and the increased demand we have seen for consistent access to quality aircraft for our charter clients.”


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